Office of the Select Board

Town of Orange, New Hampshire

Minutes of May 28, 2013


Present: Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs (chaired the meeting), Betty Fulton, and Sandi Pierson (clerical). Bob Ells was absent.

Meeting opened at 6:50 PM.
Non public session: Dorothy motioned to enter nonpublic session pursuant to RSA 91A-3:II-c. Betty seconded. Unanimous in favor.

Reconvened pubic meeting at 7:00 PM. Attendance taken: Tessa Michetti was the only one present.

Dorothy motioned to come out of nonpublic session and to seal the minutes. Betty seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.


The nonpublic session minutes of May 14, 2013 were approved as submitted. The public meeting minutes of May 14, 2013 were approved as submitted.

Intent to Cut: The Board reviewed and signed an Intent to Cut application for Daniel Hazelton on Tuttle Hill Road.

Yield Taxes: The Board signed a Warrant for the Collection of Yield Taxes for $234.99.
Building permit: The Board reviewed and signed a building permit application for Donald Merrill on

Eastman Road for a garage. The application was already signed by the Building Inspector.

Abatement: The Board reviewed the reappraisal data from Cross Country Appraisal Group for the Kokas property. The Kokas’ had applied for an abatement of their 2012 property taxes. On Cross Country’s recommendation the Board unanimously approved to revise the value of the property from $31,312 to $26,792. The Board unanimously approved an abatement [refund] of $89.36 based on the 2012 tax rate of $19.77 per $1000 valuation.

Veteran wreath: The Board signed letters of appreciation to Mrs. Landry’s and Mrs. Wilson’s fourth grade Canaan Elementary classes for making a veteran wreath for the town of Orange. The students presented the wreath to Bob Ells and Nate Harpootlian at the Canaan Elementary Memorial Day observance. The wreath is placed at the flagpole at the Town House.


  • A notice was received from the State of NH that $2,369.47 was electronically deposited into the town’s account for the 2012 Forest and Land Reimbursement (Cardigan Mountain State Forest). It was noted that the town’s estimated anticipated revenue expected this to be approximately $4000 based on last year’s payment of $4,325.44.
  • A card of appreciation was received from the Mascoma Health Initiative for Orange’s 2012 contribution.
  • The Board received a notice from the NHDES that the NH DOT is planning to repair a culvert on Route 4 near the Grafton town line.
  • An invitation was received from the UVLSRPC to attend their annual meeting. The pamphlet is posted.
  • An invitation was received from the New Hampshire Electric Co-op to attend the annual meeting of members. The pamphlet is posted.
  • The Board thanks Pat Mercer for the flowers placed on the entry steps.

Secretary’s report: Sandi noted the following items:

The 2012 pick-ups have been completed by Cross Country Appraisal Group.

The following was recounted at the Selectmen’s meeting:

A stray dog was hanging around the Burnt Hill Road area. She was wearing a shoulder harness but had no tags. Judith Lindahl began feeding the dog but could not coax it near her. Her neighbor, Ken Guarnieri, who frequently walks his own dog in the area, managed to catch the dog and brought it home. Ken and Judith decided to split the cost for a veterinarian visit. The dog tested positive for Lyme disease and was laden with ticks. Treatment was started and Ken took the very well-behaved and friendly “Hobo” home to stay with him and his dog Lady.

On the other side of the mountain, in Alexandria, an elderly man who lived alone with his dog had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. An EMT was going to take care of the dog but, alas, the dog escaped and disappeared. The man, back at home from the hospital, dearly missed his four-footed companion.

A connection was made between the Alexandria ACO and the Bristol vet and needless to say, a tearful reunion ensued. Thank you, Judith and Ken, for your thoughtfulness and kindness.

Vouchers were signed.

Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM

Respectfully submitted, Sandi Pierson

Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs

Betty Fulton

Robert Ells