Office of the Select Board

Town of Orange, New Hampshire

Minutes of March 26, 2013


Present: Betty Fulton (chaired the meeting), Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, Bob Ells, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).

Others present: Bob and Sharon Proulx and Henry Minasian.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.
Minutes: The minutes of March 14, 2013 were approved as submitted.

Town House Improvements: The Board discussed the recommended repairs and maintenance projects slated for the Town House of which the funds were approved at town meeting. Bob Proulx submitted a list of the improvements and the availability of appropriated funds (Capital Outlay for Town House and Town House Capital Reserve). Bob recommended cleaning, refreshing, and restoring the exterior of the Town House this spring instead of waiting for a number of years when it would be a much more expensive project. Bob submitted a $2000 proposal from Moose Hollow Painting (Bill Darling) that included extensive power washing, door repainting, and partial painting where needed. Bob said the Board may need to put the overall project out to bid and that Bill Darling’s quote was a preliminary proposal. The Board will follow up on the proposal and other improvement projects.

Sandi said she would like to clean out the accumulation of records in the Select Board office’s before they call in the professional cleaners. She said there are antiquated boxes of records in the office and the desks are filled with outdated documents. She said she would volunteer to spend a day with the three Select Board members to sift through the outdated records and determine what should go into long-term storage, what can be disposed of, and what should remain on file in the Selectmen’s office. The Board agreed. Betty said records going into long-term storage should be retained in plastic bins.

Training: The Board unanimously approved a training request from Sharon Proulx to attend the Tax Collectors’ Association’s annual spring workshop at a cost of $50.00. Betty said she will be attending the May 4th and 11th training sessions for local officials hosted by the Local Government Center. Bob Ells said he would like to attend the training day that is centered on roads and highways.

Elderly Exemption: The Board reviewed and signed a letter notifying a resident that he no longer qualifies for the elderly exemption. The party owns three pieces of property (not including his residence) of which the total value exceeds the asset limit.

Report of Excavated Material: The Board reviewed the Bobby Senter’s annual excavation report. Because the town uses his pit for gravel storage, Dorothy motioned to abate the $72.12 gravel tax. Bob Ells seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. The Board will sign the abatement at the next meeting.

Stumpage rates: The Board reviewed the revised minimum and maximum timber stumpage rates as set by the Department of Revenue Administration. After discussion, Dorothy motioned for the Board to set the rates for Orange at the midpoints. Bob seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. It was noted that letters should be sent to two parties who have not yet sent in their Report of Timber Cut.

Land Use Change Tax: The Board reviewed a copy of the letter Attorney Waugh sent to John and Elizabeth Tywalsky regarding their Land Use Change Tax.

Secretary’s report: Sandi noted the following items:

The Canaan town report was incorrect in stating that a property owner cannot file an abatement if they did not return their inventory form. The DRA affirmed that the statute was repealed. Pick-ups will be done in mid-May by Cross Country Appraisals.
The elderly exemption updating is complete. Sandi is now working on veterans’ credits.

The town clerk has not yet sent an “affirmation of vote” in order for the Board to process the capital reserve payments for 2013. It was noted that the town clerk has twenty days after town meeting to complete the town meeting minutes and file the MS-11 (Report of Town Officials). The 2013 informational directory is near complete. The new phone number for the town clerk’s office is needed.

Tessa will check on a missing voucher number.
A bill was received from the Upper Valley Humane Society for $200 for the intake and holding of a stray dog found on Route 4 in Orange. The dog is an Australian Shepherd and now available for adoption. The Board requested that a copy of the bill be forwarded to Judith Lindahl who had volunteered to negotiate a contract between the UVHS and the town.

Campaign signs: Henry Minasian read and submitted to the Board a letter regarding complaints to the county and state Attorney General offices about the improperly posted election signs. [Letter attached to the minutes on file at the Select Board’s office.] Henry stated that he did not make or post the signs and that the allegation that he did was made by an elected official of the town.

Orange Conservation Commission: Dorothy reminded everyone that the Ben Kilham bear presentation was slated for April 7. There will be a pot luck meal at 5 PM and the program will be at 7 PM.

Vouchers were signed. Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM

Respectfully submitted, Sandi Pierson

______________________ Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs

______________________ Betty Fulton

______________________ Robert Ells