Office of the Select Board

Town of Orange, New Hampshire

Minutes of January 24, 2017


Select Board Present: Dorothy Heinrichs, Chair; Robert Ells, Lyell ‘Skip’ Smith, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).

Budget Committee present: David Stacy, Chair; Bob Proulx, secretary; and Sophie Seace Others present: Judith Lindahl, Tamara Fairbank, Sharon Proulx, and Beverly Ells.

Select Board Meeting opened at 6:00 PM.
The minutes of January 10, 2017 were unanimously approved.

Audit and MS-5: The Chair reviewed and signed the Letter of Engagement (narrative of tasks and cost) from Matthew Angell (d/b/a Angell Associates) for the 2016 town audit (MS-60) and 2016 Financial Statement of the Town (MS-535). The agreement was approved at the last meeting. The Board asked Sandi to table mailing the agreement until the actual cost was clarified.

Petitioned school warrant articles: The Board revisited information from Canaan Town Administrator Mike Sampson that included a number of proposed petitioned articles for the school warrant. These articles pertained to voting for School Board members, individual School Board member votes weighed by percentage, and several funding examples of ratios between ADM (Average Daily Membership of students) and the assessed value of municipalities. It was noted that only petitioned article on the school warrant will be funding the schools by 80% ADM and 20% municipal assessed valuation ratio of cost. Presently it is 100% ADM. Skip said he did not support the article citing that it pits one town against the other and the shifting of costs would not amount to a significant savings for Orange. He said the article does not address the underlining problem with school funding which is that it falls totally on property taxes. Dorothy agreed with Skip. She added that she has heard no discussion about the quality of education and that the conversation has been all about the dollar. After discussion, the Board concurred that they did not support the article.

Sugar Hill, NH petition: The Board received a request from the Select Board of Sugar Hill, NH to write a letter of support for their petition (with 17 other towns) to the Site Evaluation Committee for them to rule that Northern Pass does not have the right to use locally-maintained roads [for utility lines] without the municipalities’ permission. Skip opposed a letter of support and felt the courts should decide. Bob and Dorothy spoke in favor of sending a letter of support. The motion to send a letter to the Site Evaluation Committee to support Sugar Hill’s petition passed with Dorothy and Bob voting in favor and Skip voting in opposition.

Regional Transportation: The Board was in receipt of the 2019-2028 Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan from the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission.

Salary Study Committee (SSC): Judith Lindahl, a member of the Committee, gave a brief overview of their salary and stipend recommendations for town employees and officers. She stated that there have been no salary increases in town for six years and the accumulative standard cost-of-living increases would have amounted to 10.7%. The SSC recommends this increase along with an additional modest increase. She said the Committee felt the actual hours put in by the town clerk and tax collector significantly exceeds their stipends, and suggested considering them as hourly salaries or other form of compensation. The SSC recommends elections officials get an increase in their stipends from $70 to $100, especially considering elections are generally ten hours long. The moderator would increase from $95 to $110. Judith stated that presently the Supervisors and moderator are not being paid for their mandatory attendance at town meeting, thus the SSC recommends $55 for the moderator and $35 for the Supervisors for town meeting attendance.

Judith recommended that the Board review the details of the Department of Labor report of April 24, 2015 because she feels a number of employees are not putting in their hours on a timely basis as outlined in the report.

Vouchers were reviewed and signed.


The Select Board and Budget Committee met to review the 2016 expenditures and revenue and to begin drafting the 2017 budget. Bob Proulx distributed copies of the 2016 Spending-by- Category spreadsheet, 2016 voucher list, Road Agent summary and request, Salary Study Committee recommendations, working draft of the MS-7, and a compilation of general budget information.

Bob Proulx motioned to elect Dave Stacy as Chair to the Budget Committee. Sophie seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor. Dave motioned for Bob Proulx to be Secretary to the Budget Committee. Sophie seconded. Motioned passed unanimously in favor.

Municipal operating budget:

Recommendations of line items:

(The Select Board and Budget Committee concurred on all recommendations.)

  •   Salaries: $27,000. This total includes the Salary Committee’s recommendations.

  •   Elections and Registrations: $1,250. There is only one election slated for 2017.

  •   Financial Administration (Registering deeds): $200. Level funded.

  •   Revaluation of Property: $4500. This category was overspent in 2016 due to Avitar’s

    assessment of properties they listed in their database as “under construction” and for their representation of the town in the Fairpoint abatement proceedings. It was noted that the “under construction” reassessments done by Avitar resulted in tax base revenue that more than counterbalanced the expense.

  •   Legal Expense: tabled until they hear from the town’s attorney on the cost of this year’s

    retainer and an approximation of Orange’s share of Fairpoint litigation

  •   FICA: $3000. Level funded.

  •   Planning and Zoning: $500. Level funded.

  •   General Government Buildings: $6,500. Level funded. Bob Proulx recapped some the

    projects completed this year including new fire extinguishers and the emergency eye- washing station. He commended Bob Ells and Bruce Ells on the great job they did installing the downstairs railing which was done with volunteer hours. Bob added that this year would include the exterior cleaning of the Town House. Skip stated that the AED battery and pads will need to be purchased out of this line item.

  •   Cemeteries: tabled until Skip gets an estimate on what a new riding mower will cost.

  •   Insurance: $1,794. This is based on the actual quote from Primex.

  •   Memberships: $1500. This is based on the actual projected cost. Dues to the UVLSRPC

    were not included because they owe the town a year’s dues credit because of a 2016


  •   Officer Expenses: $7500. Level funded. Bob Proulx noted that the tax collector continues

    to use an aged computer and that an eventual replacement should be expected at some

    point. It was also noted that the Supervisors may need a printer.

  •   Police: $0.00

  •   Ambulance: $5,650. This is based on the actual quote from Canaan FAST.

  •   Fire: $13,831. This is based on the actual quote from the Town of Canaan.

  •   Building inspection: $1000. This was raised $200 from last year due to the 2016 budget

    being over-expended.

  •   Emergency Management: $300. Level funded.

  •   Highway: $102,250. Road agent Scott Sanborn requested an increase of $3,750 from last


  •   Solid waste: tabled. Sandi to contact Casella to see if there is any anticipation of

    increasing trash pick-up fees.

  •   Health agencies: $4,500. Decrease of $200 from 2016 based on actual requests. Bob

    Proulx commended the agencies for the amount of services provided in Orange compared

    to the size of the contribution requests.

  •   Direct Assistance (Welfare): $3000. Level funded.

  •   Library (contribution to Canaan Library): $4000. Level funded.

  •   Culture and Recreation: $350. Level funded.

  •   Timber Harvest Monitor: $1.00. Level funded. This basically keeps the line item open for

    possible expenditures, though they are not anticipated at this time. It was noted that there have been complaints on stream disruption and road impairment due to loggers. Sharon Proulx suggested the Select Board consider requiring loggers to post a bond, which was standard practice in years prior.

  •   Conservation Commission: $315. Level funded.

  •   Interest on Tax Anticipation Note: $2000. Level funded.

  •   Abatement: $0.00. The Board and Committee discussed the $74.25 abatement listed as

    an expenditure in the 2016 municipal budget. Since the Board establishes an overlay at tax-setting time for the purpose of abatements, it was unclear why it is listed as part of the municipal budget. Tax Collector Sharon Proulx noted that abatements are not actually payments, but instead a decrease in the tax bill per order of the Select Board. The $74.25 is considered a refund on taxes already paid. The Board directed Sandi to email the town’s DRA representative to get a clarification if abatements or refunds are reflected on the MS-7.

Buildings Capital Outlay: $2,000.00 Level funded. This year’s tasks are expected to be fitting the water tank/water heater area in the Selectmen’s office with a louvered door, exterior protective sheathes for the cellar windows, and a railing for the handicap access area.

Capital Reserves

After discussion, the Board and Committee voted to fund the following capital reserves which will be placed on the warrant:

  •   Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund: $2000

  •   Revaluation Capital Reserve Fund: $4000

  •   Town Roads Improvement Capital Reserve Fund: $6000

    Discussion: Bob Proulx felt that they did not need to add to the newly-created Legal Capital Expense Capital Reserve at this time. It was noted that the Revaluation Capital Reserve needs to be annually funded to adequately pay for the 5-year town-wide reval. Sharon Proulx recommended the Committee and Board put at least $1000 into the Town House Capital Reserve. She said the town has to think about the defective cement wall abutting the back of the Selectmen’s office; the anticipated cost of replacement is expected to be about $60,000. It was temporarily braced a few years ago. This led to a discussion from attendees about whether paying for a new wall would be a bond issue. Sharon said grant funding possibilities may be available but they are generally matching grants. Judith Lindahl said she could get information about low cost loans for projects like the wall replacement. Dave Stacy said that he monitors and records any possible movement of the wall from an interior access point and affirmed that it has not moved for ten years. He stressed the importance of making sure exterior water run-off in proximity to the Town House is clear of the wall.

    Anticipated revenue (offsets municipal budget):

  •   Yield taxes: $1000

  •   Interest and penalties on delinquent taxes: tabled. Sharon said this will not be as high as

    previous years. She will offer an estimate at the next meeting.

  •   Inventory penalties: $1500

  •   Business licenses, permits and fees (UCC): $30

  •   Motor vehicle permit fees: $50,000

  •   Building permits: $100

  •   Other licenses, permits and fees: $750

  •   Meals and Rooms Tax distribution: $16,000

  •   Highway Block Grant: $30,000

  •   State Forest reimbursement: $2000

  •   Interest on investments: $30

Municipal fees: $750 Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM.

The next joint meeting with the Select Board and Budget Committee will be Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 6 PM

Respectfully submitted, Sandi Pierson

Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs

Robert Ells

Lyell Smith