Office of the Selectboard

Town of Orange, New Hampshire

Minutes of November 27, 2012


Present: Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs (chaired the meeting), Betty Fulton, Bob Ells, and Sandi Pierson (clerical).

Others present: Barbara Smith, Pat and George White, Bill Fulton, Anita Garland, and Henry Minasian.

Meeting called to order at 7 PM. Attendance taken by secretary.


  • The Board approved the minutes of November 13, 2012 as corrected.  (Betty abstained from voting on the tax abatement for Senter’s gravel pit.)
  • The Board approved the minutes of November 16, 2012 as submitted. (Telephone conference with the DRA to set the tax rate.)
  • The Board approved the minutes of November 19, 2012 as submitted. (Setting the final tax rate; discussion on credit line (TAN).)

Tax rate: The 2012 tax rate was set at $19.77 per thousand dollars of valuation, which is lower than last year. The town’s rate increased because this year there was not an offset from the unassigned fund balance. The Mascoma rate decreased because the schedule of school payments determined by the district resulted in an overpayment. Betty said that they need to know why the unassigned fund balance was not what they anticipated. Henry stated that the unassigned fund balance is a variable equation of the town’s assets and liabilities and is affected by unanticipated revenue.

The Board thanked Henry Minasian for his assistance to the Board with the software data input of the 2012 tax rate and helping to prepare the required paperwork for the tax collector. The Board also thanked Sharon Proulx for her cooperation and patience.

Later in the evening Bob asked if the Board should explore twice-a-year tax billing. Given the extra cost of a second billing compared to the interest on the Tax Anticipation Note, just about everyone present did not think twice-a-year billing was practical.

Tax Anticipation Note (TAN): Dorothy stated that the town met its line of credit at the bank slightly earlier than expected thus the Board approved an augmentation of funds. Betty affirmed that to date the town’s operating budget expenditures are on target with the established appropriations. Dorothy felt that the line of credit circumstances were due to the overpayment to the school district and that this year (per request of the town people at town meeting) many payments such as library, fire, ambulance, and all health agency contributions were made in March instead of at the end of the year. Betty said it should be brought before town meeting to determine if these payments can revert to being paid at the end of the year so they will not affect the annual line of credit (TAN).

Audit: Dorothy stated that due to the turnover of town treasurers and Select Board members, it might be good to have a one-time audit of all the books. Betty questioned the expenditure of an outside firm doing such an audit because at present the Select Board’s financial records and the treasurer’s records are in concurrence. She added that if such an audit is the “comfort level” of the other Board members then they should proceed. Bob suggested the expenditure of an outside audit should go before the Budget Committee. Pat White said the cost of an audit would be determined on how many years back the Board wanted to go.

Reclassification of roads: Pat White told the Board that the process to accept the reclassifications from Class IV to Class V of sections of Tug Mountain Road (0.6 mi.), Peaslee Road (0.2), and New Colony Road (0.3) were incomplete. (See 2010 warrant articles 12 and 13, both which passed.)  Pat said that both the Planning Board and Select Board need to review the roads and approve their reclassification status. Pat said that afterward the Board sends correspondence to the town clerk formally affirming the reclassification of roads and the town clerk records them with the Registry of Deeds. Bob Ells will follow up with the Planning Board.

Highway sander: Dorothy stated that the DRA concurs that the sander that the road agent wants to buy can be done so within his highway budget. Bob added that the road agent was not obligated to come before the Board to request permission to purchase it. Betty felt that for a town the size of Orange a piece of equipment costing $5000 should come before the townspeople.

Highway Department: The Board reviewed the Road Agent’s report of 11/27/12:

  • The department is ready for winter maintenance.
  • Potholes on paved roads have been patched with hot-mix asphalt.
  • Preliminary repairs to the end of the maintained section of New Colony Road have been done to facilitate easier winter maintenance.
  • The new spreader (sander) has been purchased and installed in the town truck.
  • Scott recommends the Board solicit sealed bids for the old sander.

Fiscal requirements: The Board affirmed that the town needs to adopt an investment policy per the town auditors’ recommendation. This is a statutory requirement even if the town does not have supplementary funds to invest. Sandi will get an online model for the Board to review. The Board also needs to draft and adopt a Delegation of Deposit Authority which specifies per RSA 41:29 what town officers have the authority to make deposits in the town’s account.


Town Deposits: The Board followed up with their discussion about a $650 check payable to the town clerk that Sophie deposited into the town’s account. This was payment from the State for maintenance of the voter checklist. Sophie wanted to distribute it via the voucher system to several people that helped with the work. Betty said that the deposit is adverse to RSA 31:95 regarding how a municipality accepts revenue. After discussion it was agreed that the treasurer would return the $650.00 to Sophie and she can disburse it how she see appropriate. The five vouchers written earlier (that totaled the $650.00) will be voided and not processed by the treasurer.

Gravel tax warrant and abatement: The Board signed a warrant for the collection of a gravel tax levy for Bobby Senter for $127.96.  Dorothy and Bob signed an abatement for the collection of a gravel tax levy for Bobby Senter for $127.96.  Betty abstained from signing the abatement.


  • Dorothy noted members of the Board will be meeting with Mascoma District business manager to discuss the protocol of setting the tax rate.
  • The Board asked Sandi to contact Defiant Electric regarding the faulty sensor on the outside light. At present it does not automatically shut off during daylight hours.
  • Bob Ells stated that Bob Senter thanks the town for abating his gravel tax.
  • Dorothy stated it would cost an additional $20.88 for a separate line for the town clerk’s office. She will follow up to see what the installation charges will be. This information will be forwarded to the Budget Committee for the 2013 budget.
  • Pat White said that Sophie would like to put the computer that is in the meeting room into her office and perhaps use a wifi thumb drive to access the internet.
  • The Mascoma School District Deliberation Session is on Saturday, February 2, 2013 at 9 AM at the Indian River School.
  • The Board signed a revised warrant for the tax collector for 2012 property tax levies. (Revisions do not affect the dollar amount or tax rate.)
  • The Board reviewed correspondence from the Mascoma School District that the current payment schedule for Orange is $28,101.94 per month.
  • The Board signed the Equalization Municipal Data Certificate as required by the DRA. Dorothy reviewed the online data input by the secretary and affirmed the data on the six property sales in 2012 were entered correctly.
  • Betty will review the Avitar software agreement renewal for 2013.
  • Dorothy stated that the Orange Conservation Commission will be meeting Monday, December 3rd instead of the 4th.

Public comment: The Board entertained public comment. Those who spoke are welcome to submit their dialogue in writing to be attached to the minutes.

Vouchers reviewed and signed.

Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Sandi Pierson

Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs             Betty Fulton                                  Robert Ells