Entries by OrangeNH (374)


Should Orange Land Become a Park?

Dorothy Heinrichs writes:

The historical commission is meeting at Williams “Park” at 6 pm this evening to look at the possibility of making the town owned land actually useable as a park as part of the  Town’s 250th anniversary.  For those who don’t know where it is, drive past the Town House toward the State Park, it’s on the right between Tug Mountain and New Colony Roads.


Clean-Up Day: May 5

That's on a Saturday. Meet at 9am at the Town House. The Conservation Commission is hoping to provide an ice cream social at 11, just like last year. 


Voting Today, Town Meeting Tomorrow

Despite the snow, the voting is continuing till 7pm tonight. Tomorrow (Wednesday), the pot luck supper begins at 5, with Town Meeting at 7.




Be a Ballot Clerk

Moderator Danny Hazelton needs two people to be ballot clerks on voting day, Tuesday, March 13, 2018. 
If you are available, or would like more information, please call Danny direct at 523-4268 or (cell) 304-9704
You will be paid a stipend of $100.00.
A high school student would qualify.

Select Board Meeting This Monday

Ordinarily it would meet on Tuesday, but Sandi tells us it's meeting a day earlier, at 6:00pm. As usual, you can find it on the calendar.