Office of the Select Board
Town of Orange, New Hampshire
Minutes of March 15, 2012


Present: Linda Giner, Vice Chair; Dorothy Behlen Heinrichs, Betty Fulton, and Sandi Pierson (clerical). 

Others present: Pat and George White, Barbara Smith, Bob Proulx, Sophie Seace, Bill Fulton, Henry Minasian, Skip Smith and Scott Sanborn. 

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.  Attendance taken by the secretary. 

Review of minutes: 

  • The minutes of February 23, 2012 were approved as submitted.
  • The minutes of February 28, 2012 were approved as submitted.

(Betty Fulton abstained from approving these minutes because she was not on the Board at the time of the meetings.)

 Linda and Dorothy welcomed newly-elected Board member Betty Fulton. 


  • Linda Giner administered the oath of office to Tessa Michetti who was elected as treasurer. 
  • Tessa stated she would like the Board to appoint former treasurer Christina Rogers as Deputy Treasurer.  Members in the audience stated that as treasurer Christina had not been readily accessible to other officers needing to interact with her.  After discussion, the decision to appoint a Deputy Treasurer was tabled.
  • The Board filled out the ACH form necessary for the state to make direct deposits into the town’s account.
  • The Board signed a letter of authorization for Treasurer Tessa Michetti to transact town business with the Mascoma Savings Bank.

 Invoice: The Board reviewed an invoice from the Overseer of Public Welfare.  After discussion it was agreed that supporting documentation for reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses needs to accompany the invoice.  Betty will follow up. 

Nomination of Chair:  Dorothy nominated Betty to assume chairmanship of the Board. Linda seconded.  Betty declined, stating she was too new on the Board. The overall duties of the chairmanship were discussed. Scott Sanborn, a former Selectman, stated that the primary duty of the Select Board chair is to run the meeting and that all other duties are shared. After discussion, the Board tabled the nomination of a chair until the next meeting at which time they will review a list of duties and will decide the primary tasks each Board member will assume. 

Next meeting: Due to a conflict in Dorothy’s schedule, the Board agreed to hold the next Board meeting on Monday, March 26, 2012 instead of Tuesday, March 27. 

Liaison positions: After discussion, the Board members accepted ex-officio positions to the following boards and committees:

  • Planning Board: Betty Fulton
  • ZBA: Dorothy Heinrichs
  • Budget Committee: Linda Giner
  • Document Retention Committee: Dorothy Heinrichs
  • Conservation Commission: Dorothy Heinrichs


  • Sophie Seace and Kaitlan Arnold will be attending the Supervisors of the Checklist training on April 3.  Beth DiFrancesco and Sharon Dunbar will attend similar training on March 29. The Board approved these trainings.
  • The Board reviewed a request from the secretary to attend a half-day workshop hosted by the DRA that will cover current use criteria and rules.  The Board approved the training.

FEMA: The Board received correspondence from Mike Poirier and attached information re: $55,605.90 reimbursement to the town for disaster 4026.  The correspondence noted that the money will be electronically transferred into the town’s account. Attached to the correspondence was the Project Completion and Certification Report which will be returned to Mr. Poirier after the projects are deemed completed.  Linda will review the information to determine specifically what areas of reconstruction the money is targeted for and if it is a partial payment. 

Annual appointments:

  • Dorothy motioned to re-appoint Brent Stevens as Emergency Management Director. Linda seconded. Motion passed unanimously in favor.
  • Linda motioned to re-appoint Don Pfaefflin as Deputy Emergency Management Director. Betty seconded.  Motion passed unanimously in favor.
  • Linda motioned to re-appoint Don Pfaefflin to the positions of health officer and building inspector. Betty seconded.  Motion passed unanimously in favor.

Demolition permit: The Board approved a demolition permit for Skip Smith (Map 3, Lot 43). The permit was pre-approved by Building Inspector Don Pfaefflin.

Computer Router: It was affirmed that a new internet router and cable was needed so the computer for the Supervisors of the Checklist can be online.  Linda will follow up.

Trustees of the Trust Funds: The Board reviewed a letter from Matthew Hodgson expressing an interest in the vacant position on the Trustees of the Trust Funds.  Betty Fulton was elected to this position but could not take it because she also won the Select Board contest. After reviewing the letter and discussion, Linda motioned to appoint Matthew Hodgson as a Trustee of the trust Funds.  Dorothy seconded.  Motion passed unanimously in favor.  Dorothy will ask Matthew to come to the March 26 meeting to take his oath of office.


  • Linda asked Sandi to draft a letter to Attorney Waugh re: parcel of land tax-deeded to the town that does not exist.  Attorney Waugh will be requested to draft a corrective deed to for recordation at the Registry of Deeds.
  • Sandi to draft a letter to the Hardy Snowmobile Club permitting them to make improvements and repairs to the Class VI roads specific to amended Article 13 of the 2012 warrant.
  • Bob Proulx asked Sandi to email Miles Sinclair to make arrangements to return his snowmobile trail map.  Sandi will return the map over the weekend.
  • The Board reviewed information from UNH Cooperative Service re: federal funding opportunities for community forest land acquisition.
  • Former Selectmen Henry Minasian turned in his keys to the town house, downstairs office, and post office box.
  • Sandi will contact Staples to register Betty as an authorized user of the credit card.

 Public comment:

  • George White stated that he felt the Schedule of Town Property as listed in the town report did not accurately reflect all of the equipment belonging to the highway department. Sandi said she obtained the dollar amount from what value is insured.
  • Scott Sanborn suggested contacting the vital statistics office to inquire what other offices in town can use the internet service they provide. (Currently it serves the Select Board’s office, town clerk, and Supervisors’ computers.) Sophie Seace will follow up.

 Vouchers were reviewed and signed.   Vouchers included payments to the Canaan Library, Canaan Fire Department, Canaan FAST, Inc., seven health agencies.

Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted, 

Sandi Pierson